Die Tipps sind vielfältig und mit Links zu entsprechenden Beispielen hinterlegt:
It pays to cannibalize on some recent tragic event from the real world; adding "cyber" to its name would usually trigger all the right associations. Studies show that references to "digital Pearl Harbor","cyber-Katrina", and "electronic 9/11" are most effective, particularly for stories involving electricity grids or dams. Never make any explicit attempts to explain the bizarre choice of your title– you need to leave enough ambiguity out there for your readers to "connect the dots" themselves.
Nicht den Estland-Vorfall vergessen:
Begin the story in Estonia, with a reference to its 2007 attacks; make sure to play up the “E-stonia” tune and how the entire country was under online siege for a month (never mention that rioting in the Estonian streets was much more devastating and that the actual online siege lasted for twenty minutes at best).
Und China muss natürlich erwähnt werden, wird erklärt. Ganz wichtig auch die Sache mit den Experten:
5. Find and quote industry experts with the biggest possible conflicts of interest – preferably those who make their living thanks to the public paranoia about cybersecurity. Make sure you give them enough space to quote their latest anti-virus solutions and consulting services.
Das kennen wir ja zur Genüge.
I bet half of your readers would never want to use a computer again.
(Wäre das nicht eigentlich ganz gut so?)